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Doctor Who - The Pandorica Opens - Rory returns
Doctor Who - The Big Bang - The Lonely Centurion
Rory Is Back! | The Pandorica Opens | Doctor Who
Doctor Who - The Big Bang - Rory frees the Doctor from the Pandorica
Rory Has Been Forgotten | The Pandorica Opens | Doctor Who
Rory Protects Amy For 2000 Years | The Big Bang | Doctor Who
Doctor Who - Rory Wait 2,000 Year for Amy
Rory Williams (aka The Last Centurion) - Total Badass
I. AM. TALKING! | The Pandorica Speech | The Pandorica Opens | Doctor Who
Dr. Who: The Lone Centurion Museum video
The Doctor Gets Locked In The Pandorica | The Pandorica Opens | Doctor Who
Rory Williams being iconic for nearly 5 minutes